Osamu Jinguji Photography
The Next Generation B&W
A piece of word, on the road - Page#013
Unfortunately, as long as I’m based in Japan, the world’s art market is really hard to understand.
However, the most necessary thing for me now is to allow a successful exhibition in May, for the moment. Thereby, I hope it will spread a chance to meet with excellent and exclusive gallerists that will aggressively plan and hold my solo exhibition to me overseas not limited only to NY.
Little by little, have no choice but to move forward with certainty.
I think that to hold solo exhibitions and to participate in many exhibitions abroad are mandatory items for the artist to survival in the world.
Also, as far as I can see the world calmly, the main stream of the market contemporary art is no longer in museums individual, in famous biennale (festivals) or galleries all over the world, it seems to exist only in the Art Fair, represented by the Armory Show (NY) and Art Basel (Switzerland) , etc. In there, some collectors, art lovers and the buyers, are traded the works of up-and-coming young artists at a miracle high price instantly, and then a new mainstream will be formed again. However, almost of them are under closed environments yet and, in order to pass a rigorous screening, it is necessary to backup or recommendation of one of the world’s leading museums and galleries.
Therefore, for a lot of up-and-coming contemporary artists who were ambitious and want to fight in the main stream, it may be an urgent need to find a gallery of exclusive.
又、冷静に世界を見渡す限り、現代アート市場のメインストリームは、もはや個々の美術館、ギャラリーやビエンナーレの中ではなく、Art Basel(スイス)やArmory Show(NY)に代表されるアートフェアの中にのみ存在しているような気がしてならない。そこでは、新進気鋭の若手アーティストの作品が、一部のコレクター、バイヤーや美術愛好家によって、信じられないような高値で瞬時に売買され、新たなメインストリームが再び形成されていくのだ。しかし、そこは未だ閉鎖的な環境な故、厳しい審査に通る為には、世界有数の美術館やギャラリーの推薦やバックアップが必要である。
Of course, “unrealistic” all the creatures also in the “art world”, not only to be the appreciation but also if they are traded in the market, “real value” is born for the first time. Severe, but it is “real.”
The MODE is always on the street, then and there, for meeting another “YOU" and “ME". It’s NOT always by chance.
Everything is in flux, nothing is permanent. No one can stop the flow of time, but the act of me taking pictures in an instant is a modest resistance of just that.